Retreats for 2023...

A retreat is a stepping back (not running away) for the purpose of going deeper within.
We have a few retreats planned, where people have gathered a group of friends, found a date that works for them and asked us to run a retreat.What a great idea!
...also below are some past retreats. If you are interested in any of these for the future please let us know & join our mailing list.
In 2021 we ran a series of 4 Saturdays with some Spiritual & contemplative exercises. For anyone who wants to deepen their spiritual life or enjoyed one or more of these books: "Sensible Shoes", or 'Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home' , or How to pray - a simple guide for normal people".
A great gift idea for those people in your world who love meaningful experiences.
Coming alive....
Offering private retreats...enjoy some isolation and grow and be nurtured.
That's what we do at Fosterton Retreat.
If you want to take time off in beautiful surroundings whilst letting yourself play and learn from others on the reflective journey, then this weekend is for you. Be led by Max & Bronwyn through meditative-reflective exercises whilst immersed in nature. Dream, plan and experiment through creativity (you definitely don't need to be an 'artist').
At days end come gather on the deck, practising presence while enjoying the colourful spectacle of the sunset. Later at night, we sit under the stars around the firepit and enjoy the scope of the cosmos, undimmed by city lights. There are 100 acres to explore as well as plenty of nearby walks along the river to truly experience the beauty of the area before or after class.
Come and be inspired.
Learn more about our style of retreats at the Stay-at-home retreat we did through lockdown 2021.
Some possible retreats:

Taking charge-over 2 Saturdays.
Using Choice Theory to help gain a better understanding of getting what you need...for a great life.

A walk toward healing: A one day mini retreat for people interested in personal, relational or environmental healing & deepening spiritual practices walking the ancient path of the labyrinth, looking for everyday ways to make more quiet space in their lives so the deep work of transformation can happen.

Untangling our personalities, by holding a mirror up to ourselves using the enneagram... A weekend for developing tools for more harmonius relationships by looking at ourselves using the ancient enneagram. Individuals, leaders, workers, couples, business partners, bosses, well, some people wanting to understand themselves & others better.
For more information on the enneagram
"Play & Pray Zone" Using creative ways to connect with the Divine Mystery:
We all get the call to send our thoughts & prayers in a crisis or disaster. Imagine being pre-emptive and praying often & in a variety of ways.
This retreat used creating as a language of prayer.
Attitude of Gratitude:
Using creative tools to practice gratitude & ways we can integrate it into our life on a regular basis.
Silent retreats:
A retreat from distractions, with opportunity to relax into oneself. Space for the discovery of insights or something new. A digital detox- if this gives you shivers then this might be just what you need. Guided meditations/reflections each day. A silent group walk in the hills of Fosterton Retreat. It could be 1 day- 3 days- 5 or 10 days of silence with input each morning & reflection at night.

This is the view not the hill we climb.
Testimonial from a Play & Pray retreat.
I said yes to a retreat because I love sitting on nature, love the idea of setting aside time to connect with the Creator, and trust Bron and Max to provide a safe place to explore what that looks like for me. I was reticent to say yes to a retreat because I knew that it meant being creative which is not my happy place.
As it turned out for both of the retreats I have participated in, there was no expectation of amazing artistic skills from me but encouragement to embrace a different way to lean into God, without expectation or judgement. Definitely worth the time investment! You may even find yourself walking a labyrinth :)