Answers to frequently asked questions about the retreats....
Does Max always dress like a pirate?
What experience do Max & Bronwyn have?
Max has worked in welfare for over half his life, is currently working as a counsellor for men, families & youth. He is trained & has experience in using Choice Theory, labyrinth facilitation and spiritual direction.
Bronwyn began her working life as a nurse & has experience in community development, community & formal education with all ages. She also has training & experience in using Choice Theory, a Degree in Natural History Illustration and is currently a PhD candidate.
Both have been group workers, run retreats & camps for all ages, have been pastors & both are artists.
No but it is common to see him in a hat of some kind.
Do I have to stay overnight?
Staying overnight helps make space for the things you learn and experience to soak in but a 1 day retreat does not require you to stay overnight. Multi-day retreats are designed for you to stay, with a special price but it is still up to you.
Do I have to be arty?
Do I have to have a certain worldview or belief to come to these retreats?
You don't have to be 'arty' to enjoy our retreats but we believe all of us are creative. Because we believe developing our creativity is important, so each retreat includes creative ways to engage with the topic & ways to connect with nature, whether it is a spiritual, art or more therapeutic retreat.
The retreats are for anyone who wants to grow as a person, if they are aimed at a particular group with a particular worldview the retreat information will say so. These are for 'anyone who needs a little something'.
Max & I read a wide variety of books (together & separately), we love it when someone cleverly puts into words things we agree with. "Care of the Soul" by Thomas Moore is such a book. Oh the number of sticky notes poking out of it now!

Will I have to share a bedroom?
There is a variety of accommodation available. You can book a whole cabin for yourself, or your own room in Fosterton House and share a bathroom. A shared room makes it a cheaper option helping people on different budgets come along.
What is your worldview Bronwyn & Max?
Both of us are Jesus followers, and to love God we are to love other people & the world God gave us. With a worldview that all people are equal & much of what we teach is useful to everyone.
For those who want more: I have a critical realist ontology & an aesthetic epistemology.
What values underpin Fosterton Retreat?
It's important for us that Fosterton retreat is:
A place of connection, re-creation,
healing and transformation for individuals, families and groups.
Leaving a gentle footprint on earth's system through responsible, management plus proactively taking care of the land and all that lives there.
We also want to connect people to place- so all retreats have elements that connect participants to our property as well as the local area.
A number of organisations have influenced us, these include Care & Communication Concern, Initiatives of Change (an International interfaith movement) & Permaculture- care for earth, care for people.