Each time it says ‘place’ it refers to place/ community/ home/ land.
Sit somewhere where you can see your* ‘place’. (Or that is for one of you in a group)
· Take a few deep breaths- in and out- for 3 minutes.
· Now breath in picturing** what your ‘place’ means to you.
· Breath out picturing any difficulties attached to it.
**If you’re one of the 3% who don’t get mental pictures, list them instead.
Repeat for at least 3 minutes.
Pick up something that represents your place/ community/ home/ land.
Hold it in your hand for 5 minutes considering:
Any benefits this ‘place’ brings you?
What responsibilities it brings to you?
This next part involves blank paper and pencils or pens. You will be drawing- stick figures or symbols, trying not to use words as this involves a different part of your brain.
Take 15 minutes.
Draw 2 intersecting circles (see below)
Leaving the intersecting middle blank
In one circle draw the benefits
In the other circle draw the responsibilities
Now, in the intersecting middle draw how this might be ‘used’ to benefit others: your family, community, the environment, the world.
If with others, take turns to share what you have in your centre. Give everyone the same amount of sharing time.
Only talk about the other parts if everyone agrees.
The saying “Think globally, act locally” has been around for over 100 years*
Discuss how this might impact what you have in the centre of your drawing.
Pick 1 action you will take this week, to help bring about your ideas.
Pick another action you plan to take in the next few weeks.
Do you need help with these? If so, who might help?
Remember you can ‘phone a friend’ or your ‘brains trust’ to help with this.
If with others, decide on a time to check-in with each other on progress. Remember having a go and failing is better than not trying at all.
Finish by placing your drawing and what you held to represent your ‘place’ on the floor, then stand and finish with a blessing.
Something like an excerpt from ‘Wishes for a Child” by Joanna Miller, https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/11/9/458.
*“Think globally, act locally,” believed to be introduced by Patrick Geddes, Scottish planner and conservationist, in 1915.
Groom, Robert C. “Think global and act local.” The journal of extra-corporeal technology vol. 44,4 (2012): 177.
