Making Space for ....
The Great I Am....
The Divine Mystery....
Whatever term you might use: Divine Mystery, Creator, Big, Mother, Father or Dancing God, this is for anyone wanting to deepen that connection.
A series of retreat days throughout 2025:
9:45am - 3pm. Saturdays.
22nd February
10th May
23rd August,
22nd November
Come to one or all, each retreat day can stand alone.
On this page you can find the dates, what to expect, who these retreats are for, more about Max and Bronwyn running the the retreat days and cost. If you want to know more you can read our general retreat information, send us a contact form or give us a ring, (0490 663 228 or 0439 500 909) we're happy to talk to you.

As we care about our wellnes, it's important to be holistic, so let's not neglect the spiritual.
We want to provide a place to nourish our souls, deeply, personally & together.
Over the years we have found a lot of help from practices used for centuries, within various Christian traditions (using imagination in prayer, lectio divina as we sit 'in' the scriptures, walking a labyrinth prayerfully) along with more recent practices (using pencils, colour and fabric as creative ways to connect with God) influenced by the celtic proverb "If you want to know the creator- create".
Our by-line is 'Be nurtured by nature'. So being set within beautiful natural surrounds & views on these 100 acres is not just a beautiful place to be, it's a part of where and how we meet with God.
With our experience and training in Contemplative spiritual direction, as artists, pastors, in running groups and retreats, we're digging into our spiritual tool bag to provide these activities and processes that have fuelled our own spiritual life for the past few decades, especially through some crazy years.
We want to share them with you, giving you the chance to meet with the great 'I am' through these exercises, to incorporate them into your spiritual practices, finding new and old ways to go deeper.
Practice well known, new methods & ancient methods: Many of you already use or recognise some of the activities, others have been introduced to them through: 'Sensible Shoes' by Sharon Garlough Brown, 'Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home' by Richard Foster, or "How to pray - a simple guide for normal people." by Peter Greig, or Joyce Rupp e.g. in "The Cup of Our Life". For others these are new ideas. Either way, this can be a deepening spiritual experience.
Let your soul 'Be nurtured in nature'Â
at Fosterton Retreat.
"Nature is one of the privileged places we meet the Creator."
Nerida Drake.

We want to provide a place to nourish our souls, deeply, personally & together.
Maybe like us- you've found yourself learning a lot through the past few years:
trusting, adjusting to sudden changes, living with 'what is' rather than worrying that things were not as expected.
You might be wanting more spiritual depth & guidance in this 'new normal', more Trust, more Surrender, developing your routines with the creator.
We understand: Bronwyn finished her 7 year PhD project, Max is adjusting to this new schedule.
Both of us know the importance of using different processes to listen to the 'still small voice', so through contemplation we can move into healthy action.
So, how do you know if these retreat days are for you? (Remember coming to one does not commit you to coming to all.)
Perhaps you’re ready to…
Put this time aside throughout the year to focus on you and the Divine Mystery,
Harmonise the various parts of your life through prayer,
Restore energy levels and be clear through changing times,
Deepen prayer practices you already have,
Engage more creatively with the creator through prayer (no artistic talent required),
Learn old and new prayer practices,
Develop new prayer habits.
What to expect:
Facilitation Quiet Ah-ha moments(insights)
Reflection Creative exercises (no artistic ability needed) Laughter
Quiet Meeting other people prepared to reflect Some input
Creative exercise e.g: walking a labyrinth, journaling, lectio divina, & more
Time away from the tyranny of technology and daily demands
These exercises use centring, reflection, mindfulness, nature,
Bronwyn & Max will be sharing all the processes from their own spiritual training and mindset along with their training in spiritual direction.

This is not:
Content-heavy, you'll have enough input to be encouraged and guide you in your practice.
It IS time for:
Nurturing the depths of your soul,
Spending precious time with The great I Am,
Sharing with other pilgrims who also desire deep spiritual connection,
Covid safe practices.
Who are these retreats for?
Those who believe there is a Divine Being to connect with,
Anyone who has a relationship with the Creator,
You may or may not use the word God,
People who follow Jesus and those that don't,
Anyone who desires deeper spiritual connection,
People prepared to be lead in ancient and new ways of prayer.
It is for you whether employed or not, transformational leader, permission giver, interested in your own and others spiritual growth, listener, carer, involved in ministry/ mission/church, or struggle to know what that even means, connected to an established church or consider yourself a 'church refugee'.
This is not for you if:
You do not believe there is a Divine Being interested in us,
You're more interested in 'how to' instead of 'being',
You want a complete history of prayer methods through history, in any tradition (you'd need more than 4 days),
You have read about Max & Bronwyn's passions background (found below),and training and think it is too risky.
What can I expect?
Take a look at what we did in 2024...
Day 1- 22nd February
There will be time to:
Review 2024 to identify where you are today!
By the end of Day 1 you will have:
Met some liked-minded people,
Practiced some ancient and creative prayer methods,
Journalled your insights,
Deepened connections with others and the creator,
Create a take-away to inspire you
at home.
Day 2- 10th May:
There will be time to:
Share reflections from Day 1 (for anyone who came).
Connect deeper with others and The Divine.
By the end of Day 2
you will have:
Met some liked-minded people,
Practiced some ancient and creative prayer methods,
Journalled your insights,
Deepened connections with others and the creator,
Create a take-away to inspire you
at home.
Previous feedback
The written labyrinth was fantastic as well. I have used his technique a couple of times in the last two weeks.
Many thanks for providing with a space to breathe......
Life is a whole lot lighter today. J
Day 4- 22nd November:
Hear some reflections from Day 3 if relevant,
Contemplating through the symbolism of "The Cup of My Life."
Enjoy morning tea,
Spend time in nature contemplating this theme,
Sink into something creative (no art skills needed) to explore your insights ,
By the end of Day 4 you will have:
Explored and encouraged your spiritual growth,
Been spiritually nurtured in nature,
Journalled your insights,
Create a take away to inspire you at home.
....As it turned out for both of the retreats I have participated in, there was no expectation of amazing artistic skills from me but encouragement to embrace a different way to lean into God, without expectation or judgement. Definitely worth the time investment! You may even find yourself walking a labyrinth :)
Day 3- 23rd August:
Hear some reflections from Day 2, if any participants were there.
Enjoy morning tea,
Seeing "The Great I Am/ God" in the mix,
​Be with nature to go gain insights,
Use creativity (no artistic skill required) to explore deeper.
By the end of Day 3 you will have:
Met some liked-minded people,
Practiced some ancient and creative prayer methods,
Journalled your insights,
Deepened connections with others and the creator,
Create a take away to inspire you
at home.
I said yes to a retreat because I love sitting in nature, love the idea of setting aside time to connect with the Creator, and trust Bron and Max to provide a safe place to explore what that looks like for me. I was reticent to say yes to a retreat because I knew that it meant being creative which is not my happy place.......
Over the years we have found a lot of help from practices used for centuries, within various Christian traditions- e.g. using imagination in prayer - lectio divina as we sit 'in' the scriptures, walking a labyrinth prayerfully, as well as more recent creative practices using pencils, colour and fabric as creative ways to connect with God. We're greatly influenced by the Celtic proverb "If you want to know the creator- create". Our by-line is 'Be nurtured in nature', and being set within beautiful natural surrounds & views on these 100 acres is not just a beautiful place to be, it's a part of where and how we meet with God. So, with our experience and training in Contemplative spiritual direction, as artists, pastors, in running groups and retreats, we're digging into our spiritual tool bag to provide these activities and processes that have fuelled our own spiritual life for the past few decades, especially through the last crazy year. We want to share them with you, giving you the chance to meet with God through these exercises, to incorporate them into your spiritual routines, finding new and old ways to go deeper.
To help you plan....

What are the hours I need to show up?
Arrive around 9.45, so we can start together at 10.00, and we will be finished by 3pm.
Anyone who wants to stay over or walk the labyrinths on the property are welcome to.
Tell me again what is included so I am clear?
Beautiful surrounds,
Guided prayer exercises (plus a handout),
Morning Tea,
Follow up.
What do I need to bring?
-a journal (we recommend unlined pages),
-pens and/or pencils,
-sensible shoes (shoes not the book)
-lunch to suit your needs- microwave and fridge available.
What are your protocols since covid-19?
Please be aware covid-19 is still around
If you are unwell please stay at home- contact us
We encourage mask wearing for those who are vulnerable
Cleaning is covid-aware,
We encourage distancing
Get to know us -
It's fair to know a bit more about us before trusting us to guide you in any way. We would if the positions were reversed.
Hi I'm Bronwyn,
I have done a number of things over the years like: nursing; set up and running a local community centre 'For Anyone who needs a little something', along with working as a community pastor; taught Special Religious Education in public schools. I also set up & ran Values for Life in NSW, working with young people in High schools, juvenile detention centres and youth camps; studied Natural History Illustration; been a leader inside and outside of established churches; designed and led the painting of community murals (yes, including people who have never painted before) and am currently training as a Spiritual Director while completing a PhD.
Underneath and through all this is my belief that there is a loving Creator interested in us. This feeds my spiritual practices, impacting how I invest in communities and people's lives for the long term. I have had life experience of: being a widow at a young age; having a second marriage- an extra bonus; caring for a family of 4 children, 2 sons have Cystic Fibrosis-which impacts us all, not just them; and much more. Along with Max, my husband of 38 years (just to show you we do the long term, hard yards as well as fun bits in our own lives).

Hi I'm Max.
I grew up in Sydney, and after several years in rural areas moved to Newcastle when I married Bronny taking on an instant family. A youthworker by trade, I have had various employments, including farm labourer, mortuary attendant, spiritual director , pastor ( I believe in an 'interventionist God') , counsellor and Choice Theory Reality Therapist, where I get the opportunity to help parents and children create change in their worlds-how fun is that?
As a labyrinth enthusiast, I have made hundreds in wood, on grass and beaches, using them in prayer as well as a reflective and therapeutic tool in counselling.
I love creating, and especially playing with wood, watching sawdust fly. I have been the President of Hunter Arts Network- an art collective of over a 100 local artists for the past 10 years, here I am often seen dressed as a pirate. Like everyone-always looking for treasure, these retreat days are part of that search.
Fosterton Retreat is our 30 year dream coming to fruition. We have dreamt of running retreats like these and were thrilled when reading 'Sensible Shoes' - it seemed to have been written about our dream! (How exciting, Sharon Garlough Brown has endorsed us using this connection with her book.) We're delighted to share our heartbeat, our skills and experience to help others go deeper on their spiritual journey.
Still not sure this is for you? Contact us and have a discussion- there'll be no hard sell. We want to serve you, so it's important you feel sure this is the right fit for you.
or at fostertonretreat@outlook.com or phone: 0439 500 909 (B) 0490 663 228 (M)